Food & Peak Oil

Tonight Val & I attended a book signing for a local author about peak oil and its implications.  The book Prelude by Kurt Cobb has many intersections with the food industry that should concern all of us.  Being truck farmers we feel strongly about the local food movement and making adjustments before the doo doo hits the fan.  This means being aware of who and what we support and where our food dollars land.  Basics with a Twist talks about being savvy consumers not only at farmers markets, but becoming providers for our families by growing some of our own food.  In Europe, Cuba and Japan it is common for many families to grow some of their own food. In third world countries they grow virtually all their own food.  Yet here in the states, we seem content with purchasing food that has been often picked green and transported across the country if not the world.  The concept of seasonal eating is not on most people’s minds.  This is where our awareness must start.  We are not purists, but incremental changes are important at this juncture.  Start thinking about what changes your family could make to support local farmers, restaurants that purchase local food and the possibility of growing some of your own food.  Thoughts precede actions.

About twistedbasics

Welcome! Food is my focus, livelihood, art form and my passion. My wife and I run a 5.5 acre organic vegetable farm. Join me fellow foodie as we explore the changing seasons and the food it brings.
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2 Responses to Food & Peak Oil

  1. Kim,
    I couldn’t agree with you more about eating local. Here in San Francisco we have begun the process of eating local with farmers’ markets popping up all over the city throughout the week, not just on Saturdays. It is very exciting to cook only what is in season and I hope that your new book will highlight seasonal foods with their recipes. Can’t wait.

    • Hi Jude: Basics with a Twist’s focus is on our seasonal crops and what we grow on the farm. Although the discussion and recipes here will be taking shape around a seasonal approach to eating. Last night we made a gorgeous pissaladiere with its savory combination of caramelized onions, anchovies and olives. What a treat! xo

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